Notice Board :

Call for Paper
Vol. 10 Issue 7

Submission Start Date:
July 1, 2024

Acceptence Notification Start:
July 10, 2024

Submission End:
July 15, 2024

Final MenuScript Due:
July 25, 2024

Publication Date:
July 31, 2024

                         Notice Board: Call for PaperVol. 10 Issue 7      Submission Start Date: July 1, 2024      Acceptence Notification Start: July 10, 2024      Submission End: July 15, 2024      Final MenuScript Due: July 25, 2024      Publication Date: July 31, 2024

Volume V Issue X

Author Name
Sonal Jain, Mohit Jain
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 5 Issue 10
Nowadays, explosive amount of data is being generated every day. Data from sensors, mobile devices, social networking websites, scientific data & enterprises – all are contributing to this huge explosion in data. This sudden bombardment can be grasped by the fact that we have created a vast volume of data in the last two years. Big Data- as these large chunks of data is generally called- Big Data and has become one of the hottest research trends today. Research suggests that tapping the potential of this data can benefit businesses, scientific disciplines and the public sector contributing to their economic gains as well as development in every sphere.