Notice Board :

Call for Paper
Vol. 10 Issue 9

Submission Start Date:
September 1, 2024

Acceptence Notification Start:
September 10, 2024

Submission End:
September 15, 2024

Final MenuScript Due:
September 25, 2024

Publication Date:
September 30, 2024

                         Notice Board: Call for PaperVol. 10 Issue 9      Submission Start Date: September 1, 2024      Acceptence Notification Start: September 10, 2024      Submission End: September 15, 2024      Final MenuScript Due: September 25, 2024      Publication Date: September 30, 2024

Volume IV Issue I

Author Name
Shaurabh Sen, Dr. Dev Kumar Rai
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 1
The Photovoltaic system gives useful energy when it is used with Inverter, termed as Grid connected technique. The main objective of this paper is to review for grid connected system for PV application and to increase energy efficiency by using renewable energy sources. Literature survey clear problem has been observed from inverter grid connected system. Therefore to review about different grid connected system and inverter, as well as improve battery lifetime extension and power enhancement.

Author Name
Sourabh Sahu, Prof. Mayank Bhatt
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 1
Cloud computing is emerging at the following three major trends — service orientation, virtualization and standardization of computing through the Internet. Cloud computing enables users and developers to use services without knowledge of, nor control over the technology infrastructure that supports them. In this era, Private cloud is now became popular by achieving a great efficiency of resources as well as improved to manage IT resources and services within an enterprise or organization. Cloud Storage is an attractive concept in IT field since it allows the resources to be provisioned according to the user needs. In private cloud resources are provided over intranet within an organization. In the studied research paper the implementation steps of private cloud is given. In this Paper, first we have to establish a private cloud and then we are going to measure the performance factors that is CPU , Memory Usage using System monitoring tools so that it gives the better evaluation under

Author Name
Archita kanungo, Ankur malhotra
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 1
Recently, power quality problems become a major concern of industries due to massive loss in terms of time and money. Hence, there are always demands for good power quality, which positively resulting in reduction of power quality problems like voltage sag, harmonic and flicker Voltage sag is always considered as one of the major power quality problems because the frequency of occasion is so high. Voltage sag is literally one of power quality problem and it become severe to industrial customers. Voltage sag can cause miss operation to several sensitive electronic equipment’s. That problem can be mitigating with voltage injection method using custom power device, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) or controlling the PWM signal. The different technique has been reported in literature for the improvement of classification performance. This paper overviews the methods proposed for the compensation of voltage sag, different solutions for enhancing the performance of the power system.

Author Name
Kiran Patidar, Priti Maheshwary, Dr.Piyush Kumar Shukla, Anand Motwani
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 4 Issue 1
Together with massive growth of mobile devices, social network applications and emerging field of Cloud Computing (CC), Mobile Social Cloud Computing (MSCC) has been introduced to be a potential domain for researchers in technology for mobile services. This paper examines the current state of the art in the fusion of these popular technologies, which we refer to as Mobile Social Cloud Computing (MSCC). Mobile computing enables social networking services needed irrespective of user movement, hence supporting location independence. Indeed, ‘mobility’ is one of the characteristics of a pervasive computing environment where the user is able to continue his/her work seamlessly regardless of his/her movement. The paper also presents a survey of MSCC, which facilitates reader, have an overview of the MSCC including Definition, Architecture and Applications. We discuss a taxonomy based on the key challenges in this area and different approaches to handle these issues. The need and importance o